How to Remove Sweat Stains from Fabric Sofa [Easily & Effortlessly]

Cleaning the entire house is undeniably an exhausting task. It doesn’t only deplete your energy but also leaves you sweaty. And, like most of us do, we often try to catch our breath by sitting on a sofa. Although this helps you regenerate your strength and adequately clean the rest of what is left, it is sadly not suitable for your couch as it can leave a trace of sweat on the fabric. So how to remove sweat stains from sabric sofa ?

Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of some fantastic tips to remove sweat stains from fabric sofa. However, before using any cleaning agent or solution, please check the tag on your couch to see what products it can handle. Using the wrong cleaning agent can result in irreversible damage.

How to Remove Sweat Stains from Fabric Sofa

White Vinegar

I know it may seem strange to recommend white vinegar for practically all types of stains. Nonetheless, this substance is so effective and inexpensive that we can’t just walk away without giving it a try. Spoiler alert!! It’s also useful against sweat stains.

All you have to do is prepare a solution of half water and half white vinegar in a bowl. Then, blot the stain gently with a clean cloth dipped in the mixture.

By now, you should see that the stain is progressively diminishing. When it’s entirely gone, dab the mixture out of your fabric sofa with another dry cloth.

Finally, rinse the treated area with a warm water-soaked towel and allow the sofa to dry. 

To speed up the drying process, you can either ensure good ventilation inside the room or point a fan over the damp area.


If you don’t have white vinegar on hand, you can try OxiClean. It’s also an effective cleaning agent that won’t let you down when it comes to removing sweat stains from a fabric sofa.

Simply combine OxiClean with hot water by following the instructions on the product’s package. Then, gently rub the stain with a cloth or rag dipped in the solution.

Next, rinse the treated area with a warm water-soaked towel and allow the sofa to dry. East right! In fact, on top of removing sweat stains, OxiClean is also powerful against multiple types of stains.

So, if you haven’t used it before, perhaps it’s time to give it a try.

Steam Cleaner

Another fantastic method for removing sweat stains from fabric sofa is to use a steam cleaner. I know it’s a bit pricey, yet, its cleaning capabilities justify the cost. However, as previously stated, please check the tag on the sofa to determine if you can use a steam cleaner or not.

Once you know your sofa can withstand the use of a steam cleaner, just apply it to the sweat stain and watch it do its magic.

The benefits of using a steam cleaner don’t end in removing perspiration stains only. But it will also sanitize the sofa. Most importantly, it can eliminate the majority of household germs. Cool, right! Trust me. I’m not trying to sell you anything here, just mentioning some facts.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Because hydrogen peroxide has mild bleaching properties, it can be safely used to remove sweat stains from fabric sofas.

How to Remove Sweat Stains from Fabric Sofa

To properly use this approach, dip a cotton swab or a towel into the hydrogen peroxide and lightly dab the affected spot.

However, we strongly advise you to test this product on an inconspicuous area of the sofa first. If you see some color bleeding, just run away.

On the other hand, if you notice that your sofa can endure hydrogen peroxide, you can proceed to the next step.

After you’ve saturated the sweat stain with hydrogen peroxide, let it sit for around 10 minutes before washing it with warm water. Don’t leave the product for a long period of time on a sofa, as it can bleach it and weaken its fabric.

Read also: How to Remove Bleach Stains from Carpet

Frequently Asked Question

Best Natural Agent to Remove Sweat Stains from Fabric Sofa

Our recommended natural product to remove sweat stains from the fabric sofa is white vinegar.

Can I Use Carpet Steam Cleaner on Sofa?

Yes, a carpet steam cleaner can be used on a sofa. Still, you must first check the tag on your couch to ensure it can withstand the use of a steam cleaner.


All the above tips, especially the white vinegar one, can remove sweat stains from a fabric sofa. Still, the secret to getting rid of a perspired stain quickly is to act promptly.

We hope we were able to assist you in cleaning your sofa and restoring its luster.

Don’t forget to leave us a comment below to share your thoughts on the methods listed above. And if you have some secret tips that we haven’t included, please share them with us so more people can benefit from them.

How do you get sweat stains out of a fabric couch?

You can remove sweat stains from a fabric couch by mixing a solution of equal parts water and vinegar, applying it to the stain, letting it sit for 30 minutes, and then blotting with a clean cloth. Repeat if necessary, then let the area dry completely. Alternatively, you can use a commercial upholstery cleaner.

Will vinegar remove sweat stains?

Yes, vinegar can help remove sweat stains from fabric. You can mix equal parts water and vinegar and apply it to the stain, let it sit for 30 minutes, and then blot with a clean cloth. Repeat if necessary and then let the area dry completely.

Can sweat stains be permanent?

Sweat stains can become permanent if they are not treated or removed promptly. Over time, the sweat can cause discoloration and even weaken the fibers of the fabric, making the stain more difficult to remove. It is best to try to remove sweat stains as soon as possible to avoid permanent damage.

Are sweat stains embarrassing?

Sweat stains can be embarrassing for some people, as they may be seen as an indication of poor hygiene or excessive sweating. However, it’s important to remember that sweat is a natural bodily function and everyone experiences it. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, and there are many ways to prevent or treat sweat stains.

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