How to Get Hair Dye Out of Pillowcase [3 Must-Read Tips]

One of the most common hair dye mistakes is spilling hair dye on your clothes, furniture, or other items. But what’s even more unfortunate is spilling hair dye on your bedding. This can happen if you accidentally drop color onto the pillowcase or spill it while putting away your hair products. So how to get hair dye out of pillowcase?

Fortunately, hair dye stains aren’t permanent and can be removed with simple products found in most people’s homes. And in this article, we’ll show you how to use these cleaning agents to remove hair dye from a pillowcase quickly and easily.

How to Get Hair Dye Out of Pillowcase ? The Perfect Way to Do It.

Nail Polisher Remover

If nail polish remover isn’t in your vocabulary, this product is an effective stain remover because it contains acetone.

Acetone is a harsh solvent used to dissolve the color pigments in nail polish. It also dissolves most other organic compounds like natural oils and fats, which are often the source of stubborn stains.

Acetone weakens the chemical bonds between individual molecules of substances, including those in your laundry detergent or clothing, making them easier to dissolve during cleaning. And here is how to use it to clean hair dye out of your pillowcase:

First of all, blot the excess hair dye off your pillowcase. Then, gently dab the stain with a cotton ball soaked in nail polish remover. Repeat this procedure till the blotch is entirely removed.

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After each use, you’ll find that a significant amount of the dye has been transferred to the cotton ball. As a result, we recommend changing the cotton ball after each application.

Also, saturating the stain with nail polish remover could cause the color to travel to the other side of your pillowcase. Therefore, we recommend putting a paper towel or cloth beneath the treated area.

Remember to replace the towel after it has become soaked with the hair dye.

Rubbing Alcohol

To use this approach properly, combine regular detergent with warm water and then rinse the stained area with the solution. After that, apply some rubbing alcohol to a cotton ball or a paper towel and blot the stain until it’s completely gone.

In some cases, rubbing alcohol won’t be enough to entirely remove the dye stain from your pillowcase. That’s why we recommend resorting to ammonia. Simply dilute one part of ammonia with three parts of cold water.

Then, using a clean white cloth, dab the remaining dye stain with the ammonia solution. Because ammonia can be harmful to one’s health, use gloves and keep the area well-ventilated.


If you have Oxiclean on hand, we recommend giving it a shot since it’s also very effective at removing hair dye stains.

The best part about this product is how simple it is to use. All you have to do is combine one tablespoon of Oxiclean with one tablespoon of water. Mix the solution thoroughly, then dip a cloth in it and rub the stain until it is entirely removed.

Finally, rinse the affected spot with cold water and leave your lovely pillowcase to dry. As you can see, this approach is quite simple and effective at the same time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Prevent Hair Dye From Staining Pillow

There are various techniques you can employ to avoid hair dye from staining your pillow, such as blow-drying your hair, never sleeping with wet hair, properly rinsing your hair…etc.

In addition, if you shower every day, we recommend switching to every other day for the first week after dyeing your hair.

Does Hair Dye Come Off on Pillows?

Hair dye can be easily removed from pillows. As a result, if you wake up with an unsightly stain on your wonderful pillow, know that there are lots of ways you can apply to restore the beauty of your pillow and enjoy your sweet dreams once again.


As you can see, removing hair dye from a pillowcase is a simple task. All you have to do is act swiftly and follow the steps correctly, and you should be able to remove the stain in no time.

Aside from that, we hope the information provided above was helpful to you. We would really appreciate it if you could leave us a comment sharing your thoughts regarding the tips as well as which approach you liked the most.

While on the subject of hair dye, we’ve also published some helpful tips on how to remove hair dye from the carpet. Most of the tips mentioned in the article are low-cost and very effective.

How do you get hair dye out of pillowcase?

One way to remove hair dye from a pillowcase is to mix equal parts of baking soda and dish soap to form a paste. Apply the paste to the stained area and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. Then, rinse the pillowcase with cold water and wash it in the washing machine with a regular laundry detergent.

How do you get hair dye out of fabric?

To get hair dye out of fabric, you can try using a mixture of dish soap and hydrogen peroxide, or a solution of vinegar and baking soda. Apply the solution to the affected area, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wash the fabric as usual. It’s important to act quickly and not let the dye set into the fabric.

How do you get permanent marker off pillowcases?

One way to get permanent marker off pillowcases is by using rubbing alcohol. Apply some rubbing alcohol on the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, gently rub the area with a clean cloth or sponge until the marker stain is removed. Finally, wash the pillowcase in cold water with laundry detergent.

How do you get tough stains out of silk pillowcases?

Silk is a delicate fabric, and tough stains should be handled with care. A mixture of lukewarm water and mild detergent can be used to spot-clean silk pillowcases. It’s important to avoid using hot water, bleach, or harsh chemicals that can damage the fabric. For tough stains, it may be best to take the pillowcase to a professional dry cleaner who specializes in working with delicate fabrics.

Why does my head stain my pillowcase?

The oils and sweat from your scalp can cause staining on pillowcases over time. Additionally, hair products or hair dye may also contribute to the staining.

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