How to Get Hand Sanitizer Out of Wood in Less Than 5 Minutes

Hand sanitizers are the best way to keep germs off your hands. But they can also be damaging when used on the wrong surfaces. For instance, a small drop of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer can ruin the finish of a piece of wood and leave an unsightly white cloudy stain. That’s because a typical hand sanitizer contains between 60 to 95% alcohol. Now I want to tell you how to get hand sanitizer out of wood.

The good news is that if you happen to spill hand sanitizer on a wood surface, there are ways to rescue the situation. The only thing you should keep in mind, though, is that you must act quickly to increase your chances of eliminating the stain. So, without further ado, let us get started.

How to Get Hand Sanitizer Out of Wood Using DIY Techniques

Cooking Oil

Let’s start with something easy that almost everyone has in their kitchen: cooking oil. You can use olive oil, lemon oil, or even an oil-based product such as mayonnaise.

Once you’ve got your chosen oil on your hands, add some to a cloth and rub it over the affected area of the wood surface. We recommend rubbing the spot continuously for one minute to thoroughly remove the hand sanitizer stain.

Then wash the area with soapy water and dry it with a paper towel or another clean, dry cloth.

Wood Stain Marker

If the stained area on your wood is not too large, a simple wood stain marker may solve the issue. It is affordable and readily available at any local hardware store.

All you need to do is choose a wood stain marker that matches the color of your wood surface and apply it to the affected area. You may have to apply several coats to get the existing wood furniture or floor’s color.

Related: How to Properly Remove Pledge From Wood Floors

When Should You Sand the Stained Part of Wood?

If you didn’t get the desired results using the two methods mentioned above, you would have no choice but to sand the damaged area.

I know that a lot of you dislike the idea of sanding a damaged part of the wood because it takes time and effort. But on the bright side, it’s the best way to bring back the original beauty of your wood surface.

However, if you are unsure about your carpentry abilities or if you would rather have someone else do the job for you, then I recommend hiring a professional wood repair service.

It will cost you more than if you were to do this task on your own, but at least your wood floor or furniture will be in good hands.

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Given the high cost of repair services, the thought of saving money by cutting corners might be alluring to some people.

Therefore, the first thing these people will probably do is to use random cleaners or weird combinations just to avoid investing in a wood repair service.

Keep in mind, however, that a wood floor or furniture is sensitive to certain chemicals. And using them without having hands-on experience will do more harm than good.

Always test a new product on an inconspicuous part of the surface before using it on a larger area. If you don’t observe any adverse reactions, you are then free to go.


Do you still have any questions in mind? You can leave them in the comments section below, and we’ll try to get back to you as soon as we can. Other than that, I hope the tips mentioned above were helpful to you.

The only piece of advice I can give right now is to keep hand sanitizer next time high on the shelf.

How do you remove sanitizer stains from wood?

To remove sanitizer stains from wood, follow these steps:
Wipe Immediately: If the sanitizer has just been spilled, wipe it up immediately with a clean, dry cloth.
Mild Soap and Water: Mix a solution of mild dish soap and warm water.
Damp Cloth: Dip a soft cloth into the soapy water and gently rub the stained area.
Dry Quickly: After cleaning, dry the wood surface quickly to prevent any moisture damage.
Wood Cleaner (if necessary): If the stain persists, you can try a wood cleaner or furniture polish suitable for the type of wood. Follow the product’s instructions.

Can hand sanitizer stain wood floor?

Yes, hand sanitizer can potentially stain wood floors. Some hand sanitizers contain ingredients that may interact with the finish or color of the wood. It’s advisable to wipe up any spills or drips of hand sanitizer on wood floors promptly to prevent any potential staining or damage. If a stain does occur, you can try cleaning it with a mild solution of soap and water, but always test in an inconspicuous area first to ensure it won’t harm the wood.

Does sanitizer damage wood?

Frequent use of certain hand sanitizers containing high concentrations of alcohol or other harsh chemicals can potentially damage wood surfaces. These substances may strip away the finish, cause discoloration, or dry out the wood. It’s advisable to promptly wipe up any spills or drips of sanitizer on wood surfaces to prevent potential damage.

How do you get alcohol stains out of wood?

To remove alcohol stains from wood, follow these steps:
Blot Immediately: If the alcohol spill is recent, blot the excess liquid immediately with a clean, dry cloth.
Mild Soap and Water: Mix a solution of mild dish soap and warm water.
Damp Cloth: Dip a soft cloth into the soapy water and gently rub the stained area.
Dry Quickly: After cleaning, dry the wood surface quickly to prevent any moisture damage.
Wood Cleaner (if necessary): If the stain persists, you can try a wood cleaner or furniture polish suitable for the type of wood. Follow the product’s instructions.

Does hand sanitizer leave a stain?

Hand sanitizer can potentially leave a stain on certain surfaces, especially if it contains dyes, fragrances, or other additives. The likelihood of a stain depends on the ingredients in the hand sanitizer and the type of surface it comes into contact with. Promptly wiping up any spills or drips of hand sanitizer can help prevent stains on surfaces. If a stain does occur, the method to remove it depends on the type of surface; for example, different techniques may be needed for fabrics, wood, or hard surfaces.

Can hand sanitizer be used to clean floors?

While hand sanitizer is effective for cleaning hands, it is not recommended for cleaning floors. Hand sanitizers are designed for skin and may contain ingredients that can be harsh on certain floor surfaces. For cleaning floors, it’s best to use cleaning products specifically designed for the type of flooring you have, such as floor cleaners or solutions recommended by the flooring manufacturer.

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